UCLA Animation Workshop | Stephanie James

Stephanie James

Stephanie James grew up in a landscape of repetition; rolling expanses of sagebrush desert interrupted by shimmering patches of quaking aspen and otherworldly lava fields. It is this landscape that has held the most dominant impact on her visual aesthetic and practice as an artist. Through the use of processes that are driven by repetition such as casting and textile techniques, as well as her interest in reduced palettes and emphasis on textural elements she wishes to convey the overwhelming sense of awe that these scenes can induce. Stephanie holds a BFA in Sculpture from California College of the Arts.

Currently, Stephanie has been intrigued by the idea of working with narrative in the creation of animation based on dreams, mythology, and folktales. It is this desire to delve into animation more fully that has led her to pursue an MFA in Animation from UCLA. She is particularly interested in using stop motion in order to create surreal environments. Stephanie is fascinated with how stop motion has the ability to bring life to inanimate objects; it gives character to things that lack a personality and creates worlds beyond the imaginable.