UCLA Animation Workshop | Students


Stephanie James

Stephanie James grew up in a landscape of repetition; rolling expanses of sagebrush desert interrupted by shimmering patches of quaking aspen and otherworldly lava fields. It is this landscape that has held the most dominant impact on her visual aesthetic and practice as an artist....

Kimberly Mills

Kimberly Mills is an Animator and Artist from the Heartland! After completing two bachelor's degrees in Digital Media Arts and Studio Art, she came out to Los Angeles, CA, leaving the cows, the corn, and her fellow Iowans behind. Now studying at UCLA, she is...

Heather Langley

After working for several years in publishing, marketing and communications, Heather grew tired of being "practical" (i.e. boring) and decided to pursue her dream of becoming an animator. Ever since making this decision, Heather has developed a healthier relationship with her imagination, a heightened sense of...

Kara Reddy

When Kara Reddy saw The Nightmare Before Christmas at the age of 12 she instantly fell in love with animation, and hasn’t looked back since. A graduate of Northwestern’s School of Communication (majoring in Radio/TV/Film) Kara came to UCLA to continue studying the art form....

Kim Nguyen

Kim is a creative, innovative young animator. Being the perfectionist type, she believes creating a beautiful story can only be accomplished when the work is polished and seamless. She wants her stories to engage and captivate the audience whilst instilling valuable lessons.After graduating from the...

Mia Resella

Mia Resella is a writer/artist and graduate of the Film and Media Studies program at UCSB. She is also a web content creator as part of Felicia Day's Geek & Sundry network. With a background in screenwriting and new media, she is now pursuing her...

Zehao Xue

Zehao Xue

Zehao studied animation as an undergraduate at Beijing Forestry University, where he taught himself computer animation techniques and made several short films either collaboratively or independently. Upon graduation, Zehao worked in Beijing for an animated feature film as a character TD and layout artist, and...

Tyler Rice

Despite her parents best efforts, cable television and cartoons guided Tyler’s formative years which propelled her to earn a BS in Radio-Television-Film at The University of Texas at Austin. She worked as a video editor and motion graphics artist so she could save her scrimpings...

Tenaya Anue

Tenaya Anue is a writer and animator. After studying Fine Arts and Creative Writing at University of Pennsylvania, she moved on to the Masters in Animation at UCLA. Her work, both comics and animations, is narratively driven, often with a surreal or fantastical element. Website: www.tenayaanue.com Blog: http://www.tenayaanue.blogspot.com/ instagram: @tenayaanue ...