UCLA Animation Workshop | Tyler Rice

Author: Tyler Rice

UCLA Festival of Animation June 6

UCLA Animation Workshop will be hosting it's annual Festival of Animation, or as we liked to call it, Prom on June 6th in Bridges Theater at 7 PM. Doors open at 6:30. Party to follow at Sound Stage 2. This year's theme is Film Noir,...

Falling Lizard Weekend

Once a year students, faculty, and friends of the workshop gather to make a short film. ...

French Bande Dessinee in the Workshop

French comic artists Arthur De Pins, Fabien Vehlmann, and Jul visited the UCLA Animation Workshop on November 10th where they discussed art, inspiration, and storytelling.  ...

UCLA Animation Workshop at CTN

   Come see us at CTN animation eXpo Hall B space T215 November 21st -23rd www.ctnanimationexpo.com/ucla-animation-workshop ...

Kimberly Mills

Kimberly Mills is an Animator and Artist from the Heartland! After completing two bachelor's degrees in Digital Media Arts and Studio Art, she came out to Los Angeles, CA, leaving the cows, the corn, and her fellow Iowans behind. Now studying at UCLA, she is...

Heather Langley

After working for several years in publishing, marketing and communications, Heather grew tired of being "practical" (i.e. boring) and decided to pursue her dream of becoming an animator. Ever since making this decision, Heather has developed a healthier relationship with her imagination, a heightened sense of...