UCLA Animation Workshop | People


As a student of the Animation Workshop you will become a member of a vast, supportive family. Things you can look forward to participating in will include: 
  • Fall Screening – A night where anybody can screen anything that didn’t show in the end of the year Festival of New Creative Work. Be it small crazy projects, something you worked on over the summer or completed in undergrad, this low-key get together is your time to shine.
  • Falling Lizard Weekend (late January) – Literally a weekend of non-stop animating and partying, workshop-ers from past and present gather Friday night embark on making a (very) short animated film; they break for brainstorming/dinner, then regroup for pitches. Saturday and Sunday are spent animating with friends and food. At a later date, we hold a screening to admire the hard work of a crazy weekend.
  • Prom – Our end of the year screening. This is the Animation Area’s night during the week-long TFT Festival of New Creative Work. It is a culmination of all films finished in the current academic year. Only finished films may screen (no works in progress). There is no jury process – every Animation graduate student with an animated film made in the Workshop will screen. The Prom is also considered to be the Final Exam for181C (this class, titled Animation Workshop, is the class where the student makes his or her first complete film in the program). Everyone screening in prom contributes to putting on the event.
  • ASO – Animation Student Organization – A small group of students whose primary function is throwing our end of the year screening, AKA Prom. As representatives of The Animation Workshop, the ASO attends Festival meetings, produces the show and the amazing after party. They also assist professors, arrange additional screenings for the students and act as our liaison between the Workshop and the Spotlight awards & screening (a separate event juried by a Blue Ribbon Panel). Any Animation student can volunteer to be on the Prom Committee, where they will be working in conjunction with 2nd and 3rd year ASO members.